Hispanic Heritage Month

Latin Music Specialists (LMS) is happy and proud to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and to acknowledge the countless contributions and influences of the American Latino/a/e community that have enriched our nation.
Perhaps nothing characterizes that tradition more than cultural diversity, and music expresses that richness as vividly as any art form. It emerges from a broad swath of our human experience and connections.
It moves out of Africa to Europe and on to the Americas, collecting and combining rhythms, sounds, and voices to form a massive river of musical treasures.
LMS provides the full range of that tradition through its extensive catalog of Latin music.
This is just a small sample of what we have.
If you want to hear more Hispanic Heritage Month,
need assistance, an instrumental/custom mix, or have a special request call:
818-774-1441 or contact our experts via info@latinmusicspecialists.com
We're always here to help.
We own 100% Composition and Master of all our Catalogs.